Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Day 22
The Wisemen Come
Today we read Matthew 2:1-12 again. We took a closer look at the wisemen. The Bible doesn't say there were only three wisemen who came, but that there were three gifts (gold, frankincense, and myrrh). The wisemen made a very long journey to find Jesus. We talked about what it must have been like to leave home, not knowing exactly where you were going, only that you were following a star. We saw that the wisemen listened to God and obeyed him. After they saw King Herod and told him why they had come, they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, not to tell him where the Christ child lived, but to go home a different way. They didn't question it, they only obeyed. There is much we can learn from the wisemen who visited Jesus.

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