Sunday, December 18, 2011


Day 15
Jesus in the Manger

We are staying in Luke 2:1-7 for several days. Again, Eli read it and I think today he didn't mispronounce a single word - not even Quirinius, ancestral or fiancee! :) The only place Mary had to lay her newborn son was a manger. Can you imagine having to lay your child in an animal feeding trough? I cannot, but God's Word says she did because it was all there was. I asked my children if they remembered what kind of bed they had when they were babies. They all said a nice warm crib. Eli went on to say how the sheets were fuzzy and there was a bumper pad and a blanket. We all agreed that straw (if it was in the manger) would have been itchy and uncomfortable. I also bet Mary and Joseph had mixed emotions that night - excitement their baby was here and that they were finally new parents, but also exhaustion from traveling and giving birth and sadness that they had nothing for their child. A child they knew was the most important child who would ever be born. All this imagining how baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph felt made my children verbalize other wonderings: "Why didn't the wisemen bring blankets instead of gold and stuff?" and "Well, I would have just killed a sheep and made a blanket out of it!" To which my husband explained that you don't have to kill a sheep to sheer it. Oh my....focus people, FOCUS!! I love children (and their tangents)!

We made a baby Jesus in a manger today out of salt dough and then painted it.

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