Tuesday, October 16, 2012

THERAPY by Tony Manley

Therapy  (I just gotta talk to somebody!)

Why did I ever let myself believe a lie?  I don’t think I went into the seasons of life intentionally believing a lie. God says to live the crucified life (Gal. 2:20) and He also says we reap what we sow and where we sow (flesh vs spirit Gal. 6). I didn’t always, along the journey, take to heart that God says what He means and means what He says! I am continually learning and loving the truth of His truth. Having His truth in my heart means even the details are important!

You see, God is teaching me very intensely that the words DESERVE  and ENTITLEMENT are not to be spoken, pampered, watered, believed, or hidden in my heart! These two synonyms have caused hurt feelings, unforgiveness, bitterness, fear, and insecurity at different times of my life (can I tell you that as great a couple as repentance and freedom are, deserve and entitlement are horrific as a couple – bad marriage).  Sadly, I have fallen for these lies periodically. There is fruit still in my life being produced from caring for that ugly couple and their seedlings. God promises forgiveness when I repent and there is true freedom, but He also teaches there are consequences to planting and nurturing lies. May I flee lies for the rest of my days!

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened AGAIN by a yoke of slavery.” Gal. 5:1

I love that promise and truth!  I am free from the lies of deserve and entitlement. 
I am free from fear of rejection.
I am free from living with hurts, wrongs, and betrayals from the past.

Then God is so kind to tell me to stomp my foot in standing firmly on Him – His word - His heart.  SO THAT I do not have to live in the AGAIN in Gal. 5:1 – the again of putting on that yoke of slavery. 

Father,  No more! No more deserves and entitles in my heart. Only dying and freedom. Dying to self and living in freedom to esteem, serve, and honor You.  Amen

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