Saturday, December 17, 2011


Day 14
Jesus is Born
Well, the stomach bug has left, and I have waged war on any and all germs in our house armed with much lysol and clorox. I refuse to have sick children/family members on Christmas. We did that one year and it was AWFUL! Hopefully, we've all gotten that "fun" out of our systems. My husband is also back from his business trip and BOY! am I thankful for that precious man! He truly is my helpmate, and oh, how I missed his loving help and support this past week! I owe so many thanks to my mom and my inlaws for jumping in and coming to my rescue. I seriously don't know what I would do sometimes without their assistance!!
We picked back up today in Luke 2:1-7. Eli, my 2nd grader, has started reading our Bible passages. I love to hear him read! We are reminded how because of the census being taken, there is not a single place for Mary and Joseph to stay. No bed, no room, no pain relieving drugs :) no happy family in a waiting room, no comfortable place to celebrate the birth of their child. One innkeeper gives them access to his stable. It is there among stinky animals and certainly not the cleanest of environments that Mary gives birth to her son and our Savior. It wasn't until after I had my own children that the scene taking place in Luke chapter 2 really hit home. I cannot imagine giving birth in a stable!! Mary wraps Jesus in cloths and has only an animal trough to lay him in. Definitely humble beginnings for the one who would be King of Kings and Lord of Lords. As we made our stable ornament, we talked about how no one made room for Jesus. We wondered if everyone had known who was being born that night, would they have made room for him? Will we make room for him in our everyday even now?



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