Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Land of If by Tony Manley

I love the movie “The Wizard of Oz.” I tend to love fairy tales because they end with “and they all lived happily ever after. The End.” Isn’t that the way it is supposed to be? Thankfully, because I am in Christ and He is in me, I know I will live happily ever after – eternity is my home! In the “Wizard of Oz,” the characters are convinced IF they can get to Oz to see the Wizard, all of their needs will be met. So, the process begins – just “follow the yellow brick road.” Simple and to the point.

Week three in Bible study (“God, are You there?”) for me has been all about the land of IF versus the truth of IS. “If only_______” becomes such a lying and destructive thought route. Living with a heart that is following the road of “if” only leads to disappointment. By the way, the Wizard turns out to be a big fat disappointment at the end of the yellow brick road! No surprise there, he was just like them – needy, scared, and incapable of meeting their needs – he too was a casualty of the “if” thinking process. Jesus addresses Martha’s “if” heart when she spewed onto Him, “IF you had been here, my brother would not have died.” (John 11:21).  Basically, she is feeling (another ditch not to be dwelled in) Jesus should not have given/or allowed her an “IF” moment! 

I have thought about this a lot this week...the amount of damage to my faith when “IF” is talking. First of all, I will never know for sure the outcome(s) of “IF.” Jesus teaches “IS.” He IS the way and the truth and the life. (John 14:6). With Him, I can live in IS, not IF.  He IS always with me, He IS faithful, He IS light, He IS the Good Shepherd.  He IS I AM. 

Living the “IF” life leads down a road to a land behind a curtain called the Lies of Life. Only the “I AM” IS the truth, peace, and joy of my life. As I follow His ways, words, and will, I will be walking the road of “IS” and not “IF.”

“God IS our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”  Ps 46:1

“For He Himself IS our peace…” Eph. 2:14a

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