Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall Break in New England

Fall Break in New England
by Tony Manley

I have just returned from New England!  It has been a bucket list hope of mine to go in the fall!  Absolutely beautiful!  The geography was hilly and very “tree-y” (that is southern for many trees!).  Houses look different - I hardly saw brick homes, just wood built homes.  Where I was there were no high rise buildings, very few gas stations, and even the signs were somewhat different – not deer crossing signs, but moose crossing signs!  Then there were the people!  I know southern women are known for too much makeup and accessories, not to mention maybe some big hair (or is that just mine!), and too many words, but definitely the ladies there were living the laid back life! All this to say, I caught myself thinking the Dorothy quote, “Toto, I don’t think we are in Kansas anymore!”  I loved experiencing a different culture, but then I also knew I wasn’t quite as comfortable in that place.  I missed the familiarity of my little corner of Mississippi.  Because I love watching and hearing people’s stories, more than nature and geography, I would catch myself thinking about what they were like in their day to day lives.  Two truths kept running through my mind: all people need the Lord and this world is not my home!

I caught myself thinking how God knows every story of every person, the plan for each, His love and provision for every heart.  Yet, I wondered how many even know or care that there is One that yearns for them, to be involved in, leading, providing, protecting, and growing a relationship with them!  Of course, the Holy Spirit reminded me the same thought is applicable to my neighborhood and my corner - God is yearning for the people I come in contact with to know the same truth about Him as I wondered about the New Englanders!  Again, all hearts are the same – needy and without cure until Christ!  That is the abundance of the abundant life.  God is the “more than” for all people and I am grateful that His love is everlasting, never ending, abundant, and available to all who ask.

As much as I loved the trip, I have to admit when I got up yesterday to come home, my heart was excited!  I love my home, my life here in Southaven, MS, my classroom, my church, my grocery store (you get the picture)!  So, as I got home last night and settled back in my nest, my sweet Companion reminded me that this is nothing compared to my real and eternal Home!  The journey is never intended to be the best part – it is the destination that is the best! Fall break in New England was a gift and a wonderful experience that I will always remember, but the truths of God’s word and heart are what I will cherish and desire so that I will live faithfully in and among my world!

Traveling is a great teacher of the heart!

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