Thursday, October 24, 2013

A SWEET AROMA by RaMona Callahan

I bought a handful of mustard seeds on a recent trip. I thought they would come in handy for something like crafting necklaces even if I never cooked with them. I was right. I used them to show just how small a mustard seed is when talking to a group of women at graduation. My speech was about continuing in faith. But as I opened the container, my talk took on a whole new direction and meaning.  

Each seed by itself holds wonderful meaning. The smallest seed the farmer sows, and yet it grows into the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree large enough for birds to perch. (Matthew 13:31, 32) And naturally it produces many, many more seeds. Faith produces faith. However, one seed by itself has very little fragrance. I suppose if you try to smell it, it might fly up your nose and create a sneezing frenzy. So all alone, the faith of one can move mountains, but it doesn’t do much for making the house or the recipe smell or taste very good.

But the collection of mustard seeds was a whole different story. A sweet aroma filled my nostrils as I handed them to each person. I realized then, this must be what it’s like when God’s people gather. When we pray together, combining our faith. Wow! What a wonderful picture of the pleasure we must bring to our Father.  “When two or three are gathered, there will I be also.” The sweet aroma of His children coming together pleases Him so much that His specific attention is drawn to us, but it’s because of the faith of many gathered in one accord, one mind, one scent.  

(Ramona is involved in on-going ministry with Leah's House, a home for women who need a fresh start in life. She spoke at their graduation from a 90-day program of learning life skills and being introduced to a Savior who loves them. Our Women's Ministry is providing practical items for running a house. If you would like to contribute, bring your items to the Welcome Center and place them in the large house on the ministry table.)

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