Monday, February 7, 2011

"Lining Up" - Tony Manley

Teaching in an elementary hallway, I hear several times a day “get in line,” “turn around and face the front,”  and “watch where you are going.”  This morning in a devotional setting, we were reminded about Jesus praying “not my will, but thine.”  Even Jesus wanted to be so in line with God’s heart and plans that He would submit and surrender in complete obedience.  Jesus knew by being in line with God’s leading, he would never have to regret or fear the outcome.   As I watch children, I see a natural tendency to want to wander out of line and look back to see what is going on behind them, and then the inevitable bumping into somebody else – basically – being in the wrong place and space!! The Holy Spirit speaks to me urging me to see myself as one that tends to want to get out of line and wander, to turn around and look at what I might have missed or didn’t need to see, and then I find myself being in the wrong place and space which causes my heart to stumble!  When God leads me to pray “not my will, but thine,” He is asking me to bring my heart, my desire, my need under or behind Him because He knows that is where my protection, peace, satisfaction, contentment, provision, wisdom, joy…(the list goes on) comes. The next time I hear, “get in line, face the front, and watch where you are going,” I will smile knowing my Teacher also speaks those words to my heart.

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