Wednesday, January 25, 2012


God is developing a model, or a picture, in my head of what the perfect relationship looks like!  As one who pursues any and all help in the areas of forgiveness and healthy relationships, I am so excited that God knows exactly how to bring understanding to my heart (light bulb moments)!!! He is using the Trinity as my model!  You may have grasped this so long ago in the context of healthy relationships, but humor me and let me share!

The Trinity has three very distinct personalities and roles in our lives. We are not complete without God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit.  Scripture is full of all three and beautifully defines and glorifies each person of the Godhead.  But what the Holy Spirit is using the Trinity to show me is the “equalness,” the unity, and the sameness of each toward each other. (Quite a mouthful!)

In a healthy relationship, each person knows their role and the role of another.  Whether it is friendship, employment, membership, marriage, parent, child, sibling, neighbor…you add your own word! When I am in a healthy relationship, there is no competition (the Trinity doesn’t pout or retaliate when One is praised or exalted over the Other).  I will be “for” my other in relationship.  I will all the way to the corner of my heart rejoice for them and grieve with them.  I will look for opportunity to “showcase” their strengths and go out of my way to restore and heal wrongs.  I love the principle of “all for one and one for all!”

Another wonderful compliment of the relationship of the Trinity is the way each talks about and to each other.  Whenever God speaks of His Son, it is with love and respect.  Whenever Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit, His heart was one of respect and honor.  I can tell in my thoughts and speech how healthy my relationship is by the way I talk about/refer to and even how I speak to the person!  Isn’t that a great example!? 

I know as the model unfolds, God is going to show me more fruit from the Trinity in the area of relationships, but for now, I am grateful for these truths!

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