Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Aspects of Prayer by Tony Manley

I have written recaps of the spring Bible Study the last few weeks. Each week a question has been posed for us about God’s character and just how much do we/I believe in Him. His CARE, His better than FAIR ways – He is JUST, His THERE (always present), His AWAREness(all-knowing), and now His ear for my PRAYER.  Each week, the scriptures have been life giving and strengthening to the heart. 

This week the scriptures and lessons pointed to five important lessons about prayer.  
*God always gives the perfect response.
*Silence can be golden – beneficial. I don’t have to fear silence.
*Waiting and watching is a necessary part of prayer.
*Trust the Giver of the gift(s).
*The end result of prayer is relationship.

I needed this! Being a person who likes specific principles to hold to, I appreciated the Holy Spirit’s teachings in this week’s study. I do see in my life that God has always given me what was best for me in order to become more like Christ and less like me! When He is quiet, it is nice to know He is with me and He is not driven to chatter just to give me “white noise.” As I learn to wait and watch for Him, my trust in His heart grows. Trusting His heart is always a must for peace and rest. But I believe what I loved the most from the lessons was the reminder that prayer grows/places me in a stronger more intertwined relationship with God. At the end of the day, that relationship is what I want more than anything.  

Well, I have had another wonderful week of manna served at exactly the right time and in the right portion! Stay tuned for the wrap-up blog. It’s coming…

“And He told them a parable to the effect that they OUGHT ALWAYS TO PRAY AND NOT LOSE HEART.”  Luke 18:1

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