Wednesday, September 11, 2013

LEAH'S HOUSE (cont'd) by Ramona Callahan

Yesterday, you read about a new ministry named Leah's House. We want you to know much about this ministry since our women of Broadway will be participating in many ways throughout the year to meet these residents' physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Here is more of the story through Ramona Callahan's words:

Leah’s House is named for Jacob’s first wife, Leah, who faced rejection and conflict. She was unloved by her husband, not as beautiful as his second wife who was also her sister, and she unsuccessfully sought Jacob’s approval through performance of duties. However, God had a plan for Leah’s life. Even though she never saw the amazing way God used her, she gave birth to the lineage of Jesus, Savior of the world. Without Leah, the world might never have known Christ Jesus. We believe no matter how hopeless a person’s life may seem, God has a plan and a purpose.  According to scripture He uses everything to bring about good for those He calls to his purpose; His purpose is for salvation. He is sovereign and mighty. How can these women ever come to know the love of Christ without being told and shown?    

Our Biblically based curriculum is designed to minister to the whole person encouraging productive citizens who in turn help others. We provide a clean and safe environment that will offer the following: 

Bible Foundation: the solutions to life’s problems through God’s Word
Social support:  counseling, teaching, hands-on partnership
Planning for future:  life skills, GED training, technical school application
Sense of purpose:  God’s plan for good in all circumstances
Accountability:  taking responsibility for personal change 

Our goal is for women to understand how important they are to God and that their lives have value. We will take them through the plan of salvation, and we will help them understand and learn scripture proving they are wonderfully made in the image of God and over-comers through Christ. We want them to become women of influence in their homes, at work and socially. We believe God has great things in store for these women, a future and a hope. We intend to illustrate His unconditional love.  

More of this story tomorrow...

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