Friday, August 2, 2013

GOD IS SO WISE by Tony Manley

Just in Case You Need Reminding – God is Wise!

As I am riding on a plane, I am so tired that I actually said out loud to David, “Will I ever actually be able to care for and love my children and grandchildren all at the same time again?”

Grancamp 2013 actually ended with closing ceremonies for parents this past Wednesday night. As five children, ages 2 to 5, graduated successfully from the Armor of God camp with certificates and armor in hand, I breathed a sigh of relief no stitches, hospitals, or broken bones occurred under my watch! This was an exceptional group of soldiers – all with the last name Manley! For the next two days the whole Manley group of fifteen (ages 1-56) ate, exercised, played, disciplined wayward soldiers, and even got some time to talk, cry, and pray about some areas of needs in the 4 very different worlds of the Desert, Dallas, and Mississippi Manleys!

In my exhaustion, God is so kind and wise. He supplies my needs, comforts, and encourages my heart when it is in a messy mode. I have found that God often uses my family to refine and polish my heart! (I feel like a silver teapot pouring out the emotions and lessons of camp and companions.) A tired body and mind tend to be a little on the emotional side…the filter is a little diminished!
As much as I hope my grandchildren will remember some good things about camp yearly, my greatest prayer is they will wear God’s Armor daily – to dress their minds, hearts, and then belt their lives in truth to the degree they believe it, live it, and speak it. Also, that their arm will not grow weary of holding their shield of faith up to protect themselves from all that the enemies of God throw at them. May they use their weapon of the Word to fight words of ugly, lies, wrongs, and hurts. 

Again I say, God is so wise. Guess who learned and was tutored the most in this mini boot camp? Yes, it was me! It is so wise of God to refresh me in dressing for the spiritual warfare I will be engaged in until the war is over in heaven. Isn’t it gracious, kind and loving of our Leader to give articles of protection for all the right places to do battle? 

I felt exhausted and emotional as I processed the moments of the week while David and I hurriedly vacuumed, washed, and mopped the campgrounds of our home before leaving for the airport (God had another assignment waiting for us!). Yet, we were humbled by God’s goodness to allow us to journey with this diverse group. May He strengthen, unify, change, and grow this army of Manley believers into an effective witness to our diverse worlds as we travel to life in the trenches in the Desert, Dallas, and Mississippi Mud!

*sidebar note…in my effort to travel presentably to this next assignment – I showered, shaved, and shampooed all in one setting for the 1st time in a week! I even wore white pants in an effort to look like a worthy updated travel companion. Since I have been seated on the plane, I have had a broken pen and turbulence with coffee in hand – all the while praying “please don’t mess the white pants up, this is the first pair I have ever owned and I would love to arrive somewhat clean and unstained.”

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