Tuesday, August 7, 2012


“Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s Off to Work We Go”..........I am now singing with the Seven Dwarfs as they embark on a new day!  For me, a new school year is fast approaching, and as always, I am a bundle of nerves and excitement!  A new group of students, which means a new group of parents that God has hand-picked for my heart!  These are the people He knows I need in my life during this school year to continue the process of conforming me into the image of Christ.  God is always after my heart, and I have no doubt He has some surprises along the way this year!

What are some of the “dreams” I have for these students and their families?   What are some of the expectations as a teacher I have for the students and families?  My dream is that all would know Christ and have a heart to be like Him (this is for my heart also!).  I dream for them to grow in their love of learning and in their ability to learn.  I dream they would love the others in their classes, at their lunch table, and on the playground.  I dream they would be honest and kind.  My expectations for them are to be submitted to and obedient to authority.  I have an expectation of excellence in their work.  (I have found that parents have the same dreams and expectations of me as their child’s teacher :)

So, with my heart racing and preparing for another year at school, may I suggest to any and all parents, aunts, grandparents, and others, some ways to pray for students and teachers this year?

1.     Pray for a teachable heart - a heart that will receive instruction in all areas of life.  We know scripture teaches that wisdom will come to a teachable heart.
2.    Pray for teachers to see the students and families as a ministry and gift from the Lord to impact for Christ and to be impacted by.  Pray for parents to see the teachers as a ministry and gift from the Lord to impact for Christ and to be impacted by.
3.    Pray for unity - unity in the classroom, lunchroom, hallways, playgrounds, athletic fields, parent discussions, and anywhere else that a heart can be tempted to be divisive. 
4.    Pray for excellence.  As a teacher, I want my ministry to be excellent “in season and out.”  As a parent, pray God will give you the courage to encourage and support excellence with your student.  God has gifted each of them and He knows what it will take to achieve His plan for their life. 

Prayer can change a lot, and I am convinced God wants to change me through prayer.  I pray you and yours will be blessed as you begin a new year wherever God has you!  He is faithful!

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